API Reference

Logs sold-out events, including timestamps and restock information.

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Item Sold Out Events API

The Item Sold Out Events API tracks instances where items are marked as sold out at specific locations. It provides detailed information about the reasons for sold-out events, timestamps, and the actions taken to resolve them. This API is particularly valuable for inventory management and operational analysis.

Example Response

After a successful call, the API will return a response similar to the below structure.

[ { "reason": "Bulk update request", "item_id": "MenuItem:Hot_Sauce", "log_push_event_id": null, "created_at": "2024-02-17T11:23:39.865Z", "item_name": "Hot Sauce", "location_id": 240841, "updated_at": "2024-02-17T11:23:39.865Z", "user_id": 13266, "offline_hours": null, "suspended_until": null, "id": 365928997, "superseded": true, "next_pushed_event_id": null, "status": "online", "external_store_id": "13226" } ]

Field Descriptions

Field NameDescription
reasonReason for the item being marked as sold out (e.g., bulk update request).
item_idUnique identifier for the item.
log_push_event_idIdentifier for the related log push event.
created_atTimestamp when the item was marked as sold out.
item_nameName of the sold-out item.
location_idIdentifier for the location where the item was marked sold out.
updated_atTimestamp when the record was last updated.
user_idIdentifier of the user who updated the record.
offline_hoursNumber of hours the item was offline.
suspended_untilTimestamp indicating when the item is expected to be restocked (if applicable).
idUnique identifier for the sold-out event record.
supersededIndicates whether the record has been superseded (true or false).
next_pushed_event_idIdentifier for the next pushed event in the log (if any).
statusCurrent status of the item (e.g., online, offline).
external_store_idIdentifier for the external store associated with the item.

This API aids in comprehensive tracking of item availability and is crucial for ensuring effective stock management and minimizing operational disruptions.

Query Params
array of int32s
Defaults to 13226

External store identifier IDs should be separated by commas (e.g., 13226), with a maximum of 200 IDs

Defaults to 2024-02-17 00:00:00

Start Date time for the range of 24 hours

Defaults to 2024-02-18 00:00:00

End Date time for the range of 24 hours

Defaults to Hot Sauce

Item Name

Defaults to b7e9f1ca-62c9-4a44-9d2d-2185e03b0895

Brand token


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