API Reference

Tracks key metrics related to delivery times, cancellations, and errors.

Operational Metrics API

The Operational Metrics API provides key insights into the performance of orders, including delivery times, cancellations, and overall efficiency. This API is crucial for evaluating operational effectiveness, understanding bottlenecks, and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Example Response

After a successful call, the API will return a response similar to the below structure.

        "store_name": "IACM",
        "location_id": 233405,
        "ordering_source": "Ordering Source Name",
        "order_number": "EA207",
        "order_type": "completed",
        "courier_arrival_at": "2024-11-04T12:25:04.000Z",
        "courier_pickup_at": "2024-11-04T12:27:05.000Z",
        "order_delivered_at": "2024-11-04T12:33:29.000Z",
        "order_subtotal": 9.61,
        "total_delivery_time": 6.4,
        "cancelled_at": null,
        "cancellation_category": null,
        "cancellation_category_desc": null,
        "order_placed_at": "2024-11-04T12:21:41.000Z",
        "transaction_id": null,
        "transaction_amount": null,
        "transaction_status": null,
        "item_names": "Chili| Kids' Hamburger",
        "quantities": 2.0,
        "order_date": "2024-11-04",
        "error_datetime": null,
        "error_item_names": "",
        "error_item_quantities": 0.0,
        "error_refund_amount": 0.0,
        "error_category": "",
        "created_at": "2024-11-06T08:34:12.855Z",
        "external_store_id": null

Field Descriptions

Field NameDescription
store_nameName of the store handling the order.
location_idIdentifier for the restaurant location.
ordering_sourceName of the platform or source where the order originated.
order_numberUnique identifier for the order.
order_typeType of order (e.g., completed, cancelled).
courier_arrival_atTimestamp when the courier arrived at the location.
courier_pickup_atTimestamp when the courier picked up the order.
order_delivered_atTimestamp when the order was delivered to the customer.
order_subtotalSubtotal amount of the order, excluding taxes and fees.
total_delivery_timeTotal time taken for the delivery (in minutes).
cancelled_atTimestamp when the order was canceled (if applicable).
cancellation_categoryCategory of the cancellation (if applicable).
cancellation_category_descDescription of the cancellation category.
order_placed_atTimestamp when the order was placed.
transaction_idUnique identifier for the transaction (if applicable).
transaction_amountTotal transaction amount (if applicable).
transaction_statusStatus of the transaction (e.g., completed, pending).
rating_tagsTags related to customer ratings (if applicable).
item_namesList of item names included in the order.
quantitiesTotal quantities of items included in the order.
order_dateDate when the order was placed.
error_datetimeTimestamp when an error occurred (if applicable).
error_item_namesNames of items associated with errors (if any).
error_item_quantitiesQuantities of items associated with errors (if any).
error_refund_amountTotal refund amount for errors in the order.
error_categoryDescription of the error category (if applicable).
external_store_idIdentifier for the external store, if applicable.

This API enables detailed analysis of order-related metrics, providing essential data for improving service delivery, optimizing efficiency, and boosting customer satisfaction.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!