API Reference

Tracks items marked as sold out, with timestamps and restock times

Sold Out Items Details API

The Sold Out Items Details API tracks items marked as sold out, with timestamps and restock times. This API provides crucial information for inventory management and operational analysis.

Example Response

After a successful call, the API will return a response similar to the below structure.

        "location_id": 242676,
        "element_name": "Large Fries (Cals: 470)",
        "menu_element_type": "Item",
        "log_push_event_id": 13531418,
        "next_pushed_event_id": null,
        "suspended_until": "2243-10-17T00:00:00.000Z",
        "created_at": "2024-11-06T00:02:45.000Z",
        "sold_out_action_started_at": "2024-11-05T19:02:45.000Z",
        "sold_out_action_started_by": "ptilekar@itsacheckmate.com",
        "sold_out_action_ended_at": null,
        "sold_out_action_ended_by": null,
        "reason": "Item Marked offline on IACM Portal",
        "offline_hours": "67.27",
        "times_went_offline": 1,
        "external_store_id": null

Field Descriptions

Field NameDescription
location_idUnique identifier for the location where the item is sold out.
element_nameName and details of the sold-out item (e.g., Large Fries).
menu_element_typeType of menu element that is sold out (e.g., Item).
log_push_event_idIdentifier for the event that triggered the sold-out status.
next_pushed_event_idIdentifier for the next event related to the item; null if not applicable.
suspended_untilTimestamp indicating when the item is expected to be restocked.
created_atTimestamp when the sold-out record was created.
sold_out_action_started_atTimestamp when the item was marked as sold out.
sold_out_action_started_byEmail or identifier of the person who marked the item as sold out.
sold_out_action_ended_atTimestamp when the sold-out action ended; null if still ongoing.
sold_out_action_ended_byPerson who ended the sold-out status; null if still ongoing.
reasonReason for the item being marked as sold out.
offline_hoursTotal hours the item has been marked as offline.
times_went_offlineNumber of times the item has been marked as offline.
external_store_idIdentifier for the external store, if applicable; null if not applicable.

This API enables detailed monitoring of stock availability, providing insights that are crucial for managing inventory effectively and minimizing disruptions.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!