get 00:00:00&to_timestamp=2024-01-06 00:00:00
Captures details of each order, including status and errors.
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Order Details API
The Order Details API provides detailed information about individual orders, including their status, source, and associated errors. This API is essential for tracking the lifecycle of orders, monitoring issues, and analyzing customer data to optimize operations.
Example Response
After a successful call, the API will return a response similar to the below structure.
"order_id": 127388977,
"order_number": "aa7b97ee",
"location_id": 232586,
"ordering_source_name": "Ordering Source Name",
"customer_name": "Christopher B",
"reason": null,
"subtotal": 22.35,
"tax": 2.4,
"ticket_id": null,
"is_err": "N",
"is_resolved": null,
"assigned_to": null,
"resolved_by": null,
"asker_id": null,
"assignee_id": null,
"reviewer_id": null,
"event_time": null,
"reported_on": "2024-01-05T17:45:09.258Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-05T17:45:09.258Z",
"order_payload_id": null,
"error_instruction_id": null,
"error_category_id": null,
"error_category": null,
"is_live": null,
"submitter_id": null,
"external_store_id": null
Field Descriptions
Field Name | Description |
order_id | Unique identifier for the order. |
order_number | Unique order number assigned by the platform. |
location_id | Identifier for the restaurant location where the order was placed. |
ordering_source_name | Name of the platform or source where the order originated. |
customer_name | Name of the customer who placed the order. |
status | Current status of the order (e.g., PROCESSED, RECEIVED). |
reason | Reason for the current order status (if applicable). |
subtotal | Subtotal amount of the order, excluding taxes and fees. |
tax | Tax amount applied to the order. |
ticket_id | Identifier for the associated ticket (if any). |
is_err | Indicates whether the order contains errors (Y or N). |
is_resolved | Indicates whether any errors have been resolved. |
assigned_to | ID of the person assigned to resolve issues (if applicable). |
resolved_by | ID of the person who resolved the issues. |
asker_id | ID of the user who reported the issue. |
assignee_id | ID of the person assigned to address the issue. |
reviewer_id | ID of the reviewer who verified the resolution. |
event_time | Timestamp of the related event (e.g., error occurrence). |
reported_on | Timestamp when the issue was reported. |
updated_on | Timestamp when the order details were last updated. |
order_payload_id | Identifier for the order payload. |
error_instruction_id | Identifier for the error resolution instruction. |
error_category_id | Identifier for the error category. |
error_category | Description of the error category. |
is_live | Indicates whether the order is live (Y or N). |
submitter_id | ID of the person who submitted the order. |
external_store_id | Identifier for the external store, if applicable. |
rating_tags | Tags associated with the ratings, providing additional context; null if not applicable. |
canceled_by | Indicates who was responsible for initiating the cancellation of the order. |
This API facilitates detailed monitoring and management of orders, providing insights that are crucial for operational optimization and customer satisfaction.