API Reference

Captures details of each order, including status and errors.

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Order Details API

The Order Details API provides detailed information about individual orders, including their status, source, and associated errors. This API is essential for tracking the lifecycle of orders, monitoring issues, and analyzing customer data to optimize operations.

Example Response

After a successful call, the API will return a response similar to the below structure.

[ { "order_id": 127388977, "order_number": "aa7b97ee", "location_id": 232586, "ordering_source_name": "Ordering Source Name", "customer_name": "Christopher B", "status": "PROCESSED/RECEIVED", "reason": null, "subtotal": 22.35, "tax": 2.4, "ticket_id": null, "is_err": "N", "is_resolved": null, "assigned_to": null, "resolved_by": null, "asker_id": null, "assignee_id": null, "reviewer_id": null, "event_time": null, "reported_on": "2024-01-05T17:45:09.258Z", "updated_on": "2024-01-05T17:45:09.258Z", "order_payload_id": null, "error_instruction_id": null, "error_category_id": null, "error_category": null, "is_live": null, "submitter_id": null, "external_store_id": null } ]

Field Descriptions

Field NameDescription
order_idUnique identifier for the order.
order_numberUnique order number assigned by the platform.
location_idIdentifier for the restaurant location where the order was placed.
ordering_source_nameName of the platform or source where the order originated.
customer_nameName of the customer who placed the order.
statusCurrent status of the order (e.g., PROCESSED, RECEIVED).
reasonReason for the current order status (if applicable).
subtotalSubtotal amount of the order, excluding taxes and fees.
taxTax amount applied to the order.
ticket_idIdentifier for the associated ticket (if any).
is_errIndicates whether the order contains errors (Y or N).
is_resolvedIndicates whether any errors have been resolved.
assigned_toID of the person assigned to resolve issues (if applicable).
resolved_byID of the person who resolved the issues.
asker_idID of the user who reported the issue.
assignee_idID of the person assigned to address the issue.
reviewer_idID of the reviewer who verified the resolution.
event_timeTimestamp of the related event (e.g., error occurrence).
reported_onTimestamp when the issue was reported.
updated_onTimestamp when the order details were last updated.
order_payload_idIdentifier for the order payload.
error_instruction_idIdentifier for the error resolution instruction.
error_category_idIdentifier for the error category.
error_categoryDescription of the error category.
is_liveIndicates whether the order is live (Y or N).
submitter_idID of the person who submitted the order.
external_store_idIdentifier for the external store, if applicable.
rating_tagsTags associated with the ratings, providing additional context; null if not applicable.
canceled_byIndicates who was responsible for initiating the cancellation of the order.

This API facilitates detailed monitoring and management of orders, providing insights that are crucial for operational optimization and customer satisfaction.

Query Params
array of int32s
Defaults to 860

External store identifier IDs should be separated by commas (e.g., 860), with a maximum of 200 IDs

Defaults to 2024-01-05 00:00:00

Start Date time for the range of 24 hours

Defaults to 2024-01-06 00:00:00

End Date time for the range of 24 hours

Defaults to b7e9f1ca-62c9-4a44-9d2d-2185e03b0895

Brand token


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