API Reference

Contains information on tickets/orders received.

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Tickets API

The Tickets API returns detailed information about individual tickets and orders received. This data is essential for managing customer orders and analyzing sales performance.

Example Response

After a successful call, the API will return a response similar to the below structure.

[ { "ticket_id": 321262762, "location_id": 236291, "order_number": "6C41D", "order_source": "uber", "alt_order_number": null, "customer_name": "Wilmotlyn R.", "quantity": 1.0, "discount": 0.0, "tax": 1.49, "web_tax": 1.72, "subtotal": 14.87, "web_subtotal": 17.18, "created_at": "2023-06-29T19:47:13.269Z", "updated_at": "2023-06-29T19:47:15.718Z", "closed_at": "2023-06-29T19:47:15.224Z", "order_payload_id": 82329870, "pos_id": 328003757, "pos_check_id": "743305994", "external_store_id": "4089" } ]

Field Descriptions

Field NameDescription
ticket_idUnique identifier for the ticket.
location_idIdentifier for the restaurant location.
order_numberUnique identifier for the order.
order_sourcePlatform from which the order was received (e.g., Uber).
alt_order_numberAlternative order number, if available.
customer_nameName of the customer placing the order.
quantityTotal quantity of items in the order.
discountDiscount applied to the order, if any.
taxTax amount applied to the order.
web_taxTax amount applied specifically to web orders.
subtotalSubtotal amount of the order, excluding tax.
web_subtotalSubtotal amount for web orders, excluding tax.
created_atTimestamp when the ticket was created.
updated_atTimestamp when the ticket was last updated.
closed_atTimestamp when the ticket was closed.
order_payload_idIdentifier for the order payload.
pos_idIdentifier for the point-of-sale (POS) system.
pos_check_idIdentifier for the POS check.
external_store_idIdentifier for the external store location.

This API is invaluable for businesses needing to track detailed order information, assess customer engagement, and refine operational processes based on ticket data.

Query Params
array of int32s
Defaults to 4089

External store identifier IDs should be separated by commas (e.g., 4089, 5689), with a maximum of 200 IDs

Defaults to 2023-06-29 17:25:00

Start Date time for the range of 24 hours

Defaults to 2023-06-30 17:25:00

End Date time for the range of 24 hours

Defaults to b7e9f1ca-62c9-4a44-9d2d-2185e03b0895

Brand token


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